Friday, June 5, 2009

I dont make posts like this, but its important.

I dont post much anymore, I have been really busy with life stuff lately. To anyone who is angered by the holes in our justice system, to anyone that feels like laws protect criminals more than it protects the law abiding citizens...please, please watch this movie. I have never witnessed anything so horrifying. I was left breathless and in shock...I watched it last night and am still very upset by what I witnessed. I know that isnt a very good sell on a movie, but this NEEDS to be seen. people need to know what CAN and HAS happened so that maybe someday it can be fixed.

Dear Zachary, a Letter to a Son about His Father (trailer only, please go rent or netflix this asap):


Lost Kawz said...

i'll have to check it out

Anonymous said...

I started to cry when I was watching the trailer. :( :(
