Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Torrential Greatness

from time to time i will just do a web search to see how the world is keeping up with our humble little group amidst all the other little groups in said world. today i saw something album for download on a torrent site?! we have been pretty generous with our music and have given away most of it on our website or myspace over the years...we've even given away ALOT of hard pressed cds.

i may sound irritated by the fact someone took my music and spread it out there without my direct permission...nope! im pretty excited about it. it has been downloaded 835 time on the mininova site alone and quite a few more times on the other sites.

so thank you, whoever you were.

More progress made on the album, its very very close to being released (TOOTHPICK EP, not flannel). fuck peta.

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