Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Toothpick EP promo 2 (Ugly Girls)

Big ups to my girlfriend Toria for being such a good sport. I have to say she wasnt thrilled that song is called "Ugly Girls". Peep game.

Shouts to the boy aDDlib for giving us a dope verse.
Check back for more tomorrow!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Toothpick EP Promo 1

Yes. I do my own stunts...

Shouts to the brendal striped boxer Bruce!!!
Check back tomorrow for more death defying stunts.

Toothpick EP Coming Soon!!!

So I finally taught myself how to use this imovie program and Im already hooked. This is fun stuff homez. Expect a constant flow of silly videos coming your way.

Check back tomorrow for more

Friday, March 27, 2009

Freestyle Fridays x Charles Hamilton

So I had the opportunity to see Charles Hamilton perform last week at SXSW. I cant say that I was a fan of his prior to the Austin trip, but I did like some of his work. But I instantly became a fan after watching him perform. This cat is serious.

Check his blog at charleshamilton.blogspot.com
-emcee chuy

Thursday, March 26, 2009

OKC x Astronautalis

First of all I would like to thank those who came out to Sauced on a Tuesday night for the Jabee,8bit,Bluebird, Astronautalis show in OKC. WOW!!! At 10 oclock there was like 20 people there and then boom! Mother fuckers came out the woodworks. We are very greatful for your support. Along with Jabee and the rest of the Puzzle People crew, we are on our way to making Oklahoma City a place where Indie Hip Hop can thrive. I love it.

Check the new Trouble Hunters video from Astronautalis.

This cat is wild!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Torrential Greatness

from time to time i will just do a web search to see how the world is keeping up with our humble little group amidst all the other little groups in said world. today i saw something new...my album for download on a torrent site?! we have been pretty generous with our music and have given away most of it on our website or myspace over the years...we've even given away ALOT of hard pressed cds.

i may sound irritated by the fact someone took my music and spread it out there without my direct permission...nope! im pretty excited about it. it has been downloaded 835 time on the mininova site alone and quite a few more times on the other sites.

so thank you, whoever you were.

More progress made on the album, its very very close to being released (TOOTHPICK EP, not flannel). fuck peta.


Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9th: We will never forget Biggie

Today is March 9th. It's been 12 years to the day since the unsolved murder of Biggie Smalls. I actually had the opportunity to see Big and The Junior Mafia live at the Pan American Center months before his death. I was just a teenager still learning about Hip Hop at the time, but seeing him live on stage was the coolest thing I've ever witnessed. The legendary BIG has been idolized and loved by many, not because of his fortune and fame, but because he was best emcee and the coolest dude anyone has every seen or heard.

They've recently made a movie about the black Frank White but I dont think I need to see it. Im worried it will be another failed mainstream attempt to portray a legend who bled NYC Hip Hop. Biggie was a lot of things but he will always be Hip Hop to me. He was the epitome of emcee.

We will never forget you.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

8bit Cynics x Norman

This Saturday at The Deli in Norman, 8bit Cynics will be rockin with The JV Squad. $5at the door. Don't be a punk...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Puzzle People/8bit Cynics x Youtube

Here's some footage from the unforgetable Puzzle People show in OKC last month.

Click here to see more videos from that special show.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Toothpick EP

It's going down yall. Yup! The Toothpick EP is in it's final stages of mixing and mastering and will soon be available to the public on Strapped for Cash Records.
It contains six tracks of greatness including the very popular single "Toothpick". Five of the tracks were produced by the one and only Saevio.Is.Dead as well as a track produced by the magnanimous DJ SL. We are very excited about this record because it will be the first release that we consider professional. We also love putting out EPs!