Throughout the past 3 years or so, we have made many friends from all over the country doing this music ish. Lawton has become our homebase so to speak, but I feel as though OKC has been more kind to us lately. Not only because of the fact that it's a much larger area and market, but because of the like minded folks we have connected with. Jabee has been very helpful to our band in providing us opportunity after opportunity to perform and be seen. Through those opportunities, we have become friends with other acts such as OB-one, ADDlib, Ronnie Harris, and Duo the Sick to name a few. Recently we have become part of the newest Hip Hop crew in the Mid-West... The Puzzle People.

The crew is made up of the dopest indie Hip Hop cats in the area including:
Duo The Sic
8bit Cynics
Ronnie Harris
Dj Jafar
Stephen from Bombcity
and Dezz
Please visit the Puzzle People website at www.wearepuzzlepeople.com and at www.myspace.com/werpuzzlepeople
Be sure to come out Saturday Feb. 7th for the first ever PuzzlePeople show at Sauced in OKC.
When: Sat Feb 7th at 8pm
Where: Sauced 2912 Paseo in OKC
Cost: $5
Bring some people with you and have a good time.
Also, 8bit Cynics have been recognized by The Local Heat magazine.

Lawton natives and Puzzle People representers 8Bit Cynics is featured on Local Heat Magazine's Myspace page as "Single of the Week".
check out the song "For the Music" here
and show 8Bit Cynics some love.
Will, here are my photos. I'll text you the password. There are two sub folders as well.
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