I had a job once. A job a monkey could do...
to ensure I dont get sued to slander
(even though everything I am about to say
is entirely true) I will keep the names
Why is it that when you grow up, the rich
kids get popular and influential...which
continues into the real world most times...
The other night on "Lie To Me"...big Tim
Roth fan over here...he stated that the
most popular kids were always the best liars
because they could convince everyone else
that they were cool and had their lives
under control---i believe it.
earlier this week or last week or last year
or some time before I started writing this
a kid from my town "allegedly" abused a cat
and video taped it for all those youtubers
viewing pleasure.
turns out i know this kid. i used to work for
his father. their family knows mine fairly well,
are faithful church goers and a formidable member
of our cities economy. god im getting so off topic.
Anyway, this kid used to come into the store i worked
at and make a mess and expect me to clean his shit up.
his mother also expected me to clean his shit up.
so did my manager.
granted, he was just a little fuckin kid being a dickwad
but i remember thinking that this hellion had some
problems to be acting like that in public.
turns out he IS problematic and is now showing strong
signs of psychopatic/homicidal behavior...
I got fired from that job for being a pothead...it was
not acceptable for a family oriented business such as
this one...smokin a lil reef doesnt seem so bad now does
it?!!! (i dont smoke anymore, i have nothing against
it, but its just not my thing)
anyway. its gratifying to me to see this, in a sick way.
i feel bad for the cat, but I am happy that this dipshit
got caught. and i am happy that it was from a prominent
stuff like that makes me laugh.
this post made absolutly no sense--but they cant all
be winners, right?
love always, fuck peta.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Puzzle People

Throughout the past 3 years or so, we have made many friends from all over the country doing this music ish. Lawton has become our homebase so to speak, but I feel as though OKC has been more kind to us lately. Not only because of the fact that it's a much larger area and market, but because of the like minded folks we have connected with. Jabee has been very helpful to our band in providing us opportunity after opportunity to perform and be seen. Through those opportunities, we have become friends with other acts such as OB-one, ADDlib, Ronnie Harris, and Duo the Sick to name a few. Recently we have become part of the newest Hip Hop crew in the Mid-West... The Puzzle People.

The crew is made up of the dopest indie Hip Hop cats in the area including:
Duo The Sic
8bit Cynics
Ronnie Harris
Dj Jafar
Stephen from Bombcity
and Dezz
Please visit the Puzzle People website at www.wearepuzzlepeople.com and at www.myspace.com/werpuzzlepeople
Be sure to come out Saturday Feb. 7th for the first ever PuzzlePeople show at Sauced in OKC.
When: Sat Feb 7th at 8pm
Where: Sauced 2912 Paseo in OKC
Cost: $5
Bring some people with you and have a good time.
Also, 8bit Cynics have been recognized by The Local Heat magazine.

Lawton natives and Puzzle People representers 8Bit Cynics is featured on Local Heat Magazine's Myspace page as "Single of the Week".
check out the song "For the Music" here
and show 8Bit Cynics some love.
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